Harrington Park Public School

Care, Believe, Succeed

Telephone02 4647 7116


Important Notes

Click on the following underlined links to access important notes


Asthma Note

The school is updating our records for students with asthma. We are now required to establish a Health Care Plan with parents, for children with severe asthma. (You may need to check with your doctor to determine if your child has severe asthma). Your child's health condition may have also changed since enrolment time, hence the update.

Thank you for your support in managing your child's health and wellbeing.

Other Important Medical forms can be found under the "Supporting our Students - Student Health & Safety - Medications & Action Plans" tab. 

Medication Form

If your child has a medical condition, please inform the school.

If it is a condition that requires medication that has been prescribed by a doctor to be administered during the day by staff, please return the attached form to the front office along with the medication.

The medication needs to be provided to the school in the original box.
Prescribed medication must be for this student with the students name clearly marked, along with the correct dosage noted on the container, the expiry date and medication name.

The correct dosage amount should be provided to the school.

If the dosage amount requires a 1/4 or 1/2 tablet then it should be provided to the school in a Webster/blister pack prepared and labelled by the pharmacist.

If the condition requires an Action Plan, these need to be acquired from your doctor.

Medication Form 

Application for Extended Leave

For leave of 5 days or more please return the completed form to our office. Please attach any supporting documents eg itineraries or flight information.

Extended Leave Application.

Change of Details

If you have had a change of details including emergency contacts & address or phone number changes, could you please inform the front office ASAP so that these details can be updated.

Please fill out the following form & return it to the front office (accompanied with required original documents for address changes only).

Update Change of Details Form

Please note: The Department of Education now requires 100 points of ID for address changes. Could you please provide the following original copies:




Permission Authority

Walking, Publication, Child Protection Lessons, Scripture Classes