Harrington Park Public School

Care, Believe, Succeed

Telephone02 4647 7116


P&C Information

P & C Information

The Harrington Park Public School P&C Association supports our school and provides an opportunity for members of the school community to volunteer time, skills and expertise for the benefit of all children at Harrington Park Public School.


The association meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the staffroom. Meeting times are advertised in the school newsletter as well as on the P&C Facebook page. The meetings are friendly and informal and provide a review of P&C activities, a forum for discussion of school events and an opportunity to meet with other parents and members of the school community. Meetings are attended by the School Principal and other members of the school staff.


The P&C Executive for 2024 are:


Sheree Ilacqua

Vice-President Operations

Diane Azzopardi

Vice-President Community

Bianca Muminovic


Lisa-Maree Bray Christensen

Uniform Shop Coordinator

Diane Azzopardi

Event Coordinator

Rachael Cook

Communications Coordinator

Diane Azzopardi

Grants Officer

Caroline Neskoski

The Harrington Park Public School P&C Association operates the Uniform Shop. Profit from the uniform shop and fundraising is returned to the school to enhance our school facilities, purchase equipment and resources and support school programs.


Uniform Shop Hours:

Tuesday Mornings: 8:30am - 9.30am

Friday Mornings: 8:30am - 9.30am

Entry via the side gate.

We strongly encourage that all orders are still completed via Flexischools where possible. Orders will be distributed to your child's class.

Please follow our P&C Facebook page for up to date information regarding stock and changes to opening hours. Contact us on: hppsuniformshop@gmail.com for all uniform enquiries.


Contact the P&C

Email:  hppspandc@yahoo.com.au

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/HPPSPandC

Uniform Shop:  hppsuniformshop@gmail.com

HPPS Uniform Buy, Swap & Sell Facebook:  www.facebook.com/groups/HPPSUniformShop